Tuesday 13 August 2019


ecuase all the prophet God send them to preaching salvation and the good news message to the Israelites all of them hard killed becuase of the truth,finely John the Baptist and our lord Jesus Christ also killed.After death of our lord Jesus Christ the message was sent to the father in heaven,God of the father sit down with the son set the power to protection of the truth called democracy to share ideas to create new better world with holy laws God given to Moses to judge sinners bring them into book.After resorruction Our lord Jesus Christ told the disciples to beginning the good news message in Jerusalem,power of the protection of the truth began in heaven to earth.DEMOCRACY,has nothing to do with dead souls politicians to create looted and share nation properties made poverty for the people especially Africa politicians all of them are liars, thieves.The leader of Nokware Ahennie Kuo the living souls family,the endtime revelation teacher to teach things which belongs to our lord Jesus Christ to declare to Ghanaians especially the kingdom of heaven to the earth in revelations of our Lord Juesu Christ to Mr Kwadwo Amankwaa leader has many to offer Ghanians and Africa to the world.


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Item Reviewed: SCRIPTURE SAYS ISAIAH SPOKE ABOUT THE MESSIAH Rating: 5 Reviewed By: Futurehitzgh