Tuesday 13 August 2019


Badu Kobi,the greatest promise our lord Jesus Christ made to the whole world is the kingdom of God,if you can do search about Ghana tribes,found Asantis are not good woman to married them,Badu Kobi did you know that married is not guarantee in heaven only on earth,is the work of flesh after death no more marriage again?.Please as man of God do search and show Ghanians where the kingdom of God located,becuase scripture says seek the kingdom of God first and he added everything on to you.Badu Kobi what shows that you are man of God,the scripture says if somebody think that is somebody and he is not,the person deceive themselves,Badu Kobi don't be wise of yourself,in spirit you are empty and nothing,you included dead souls pastors in Ghana today.Badu Kobi don't you know that the words comes from you mouth will judge you either guilty or not guilty.Badu Kobi did you know that if you touch Asanti woman,you touch Asanti man also.Who is the man of God?the one who preacher disorganised people or the one preaches peace,the one who preacher peace and the good news, is the man of God.Badu Kobi asked yourself,your preaching bring peace to Ghanians?Mr Kwadwo Amankwaa leader of Nokware Ahennie Kuo the living souls family,endtime revelation teacher of our lord Jesus Christ in spirit of truth.Am really disappointed on you Badu Kobi,called yourself a royal,but you don't respect Asanti woman's. Asanti women established the Asanti kingdom born the Asanti kings,only Asanti have a Golden Stool come from heaven to earth,the whole world,is the greatest kingdom in the world.Badu Kobi if is true you are spiritual father you should have known that,in revelation Ghana is Isreal,Kumasi is Jerusalem.My adivece to Badu Kobi,apologies to all the women in Ghana especially Asanti woman so that anger of the people will come down and accepted that you are guilty,good to preaching salvation then to attack Woman's or better to preaching unite then to disorganised people.A word to wise is enough.Badu Kobi you reaped what you sow in the judgement day when our lord Jesus Christ sit on his throne.


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