Wednesday 9 November 2016


As it is written in the bible,the sabbath was found among the ten commandment God gave to mankind.Sabbath day was found in  the fourth commandment,Jehovah God proclaim that,he rested on sabbath day and he instructed mankind to rest on that holy day.
But the seventh day is the sabbath of the LORD thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates:

By his power and might he ( Jeh ovah) delivered the Israelite from the land of Egypt,due to that,Jehovah God instruct the Israelite to keep the sabbath day holy.

There's nothing like worship on the sabbath day but rather to rest.Apart from God which god again should humanity worship?because the Jehovah God made that they for humanity to rest.

Keeping the sabbath day holy thats not mean worship,but the Lord God wants us to obey his commandment as he expect us to do.Some people believes sabbath day is meant to worship their creator.If truely its meant to worship Jehovah God on sabbath day,then how can humanity and animals worship Jehovah God together?

Its our vision ( TRUEDEMOCRACY) who ever read this will understand that elephant breath and at the same time worship.

God didnt specify a day of worship,you can worship him any day.People thought they can worship their creator during sabbath: So they made the sabbath,a day of worhip.Truedemocracy can procliam that,woship is,by obeying the commandment of God,we have to obey the commandment of God,a nation is blessed and favored if only the fellow the instructions of Jehovah God.

The commandments means alot of Jehovah God so he spoke through his servant Paul :
Paul said: we should refrain from worldly desire,Paul fullfill this promise.

We have to know that,by obeying the commandment means worship.If its so,then each and everyday we worship: we can single a particular day.

Christ gave his disciple a job to do,which was teaching the about the Kingdom of God.
Here Christ didnt specify any day of teachings but he said to them go into the world preach the gospel to all walks of life,those who believe in me baptise them.

This make it clearly that,there's no special day to worship God.


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Item Reviewed: SABBATH Rating: 5 Reviewed By: Futurehitzgh