Tuesday 1 November 2016


Jehovah God said,he is so happy to reveal this secret to Truedemocracy.

In the early 80's November, God said to the late Limann who is the president of Ghana.Jehovah God and his workers are going to teach the citizens of Ghana.December 31,1981,Jehovah God government ruled Ghana,this government was PNDC in which Jerry John Rawlings was the leader.

God ask me to invite the BNI,and asked me to tell them,through them he will work with in the development of mother Ghana.March 15,1984,two female BNI visited me at Kokofu in the Ashanti Region of Ghana.Jehovah God spoke through me to teach them how he wants to transform Ghana.Some of the these things are as fellows,
Marraige the two ladies were amazed of what they i told them.They wanted me to meet the former president Rawlings but I told them,visiting the president will cause temptation to me.Because the Lord God and his angels has good plans for mother Ghana.

I prophet Kusi and Truedemocracy,its my responsiblility to preach what Jehovah God has planned to do for mother Ghana.All things things has come to an end,Jehovah God will with the government,and he will change alot of things.

Jehovah congratulate Truedemocracy for their good work done.He added,there three thing he like is to explain:
Marriage,Church,Currency these are the three things holds the world and Jehovah God wants these three to stand firm on this earth.
MARRIAGE: The Lord God said,every nation development depends on the citizens.Marriage in the sight of the Lord is just like farming,If a farmer does not have good land,he will will never a good haverst.Jehovah God has proclaime that,no one should marry more than two wives provided that,if you marriage is in court ( Court has witness your marriage).The Lord said:FOR THIS REASON A MAN SHALL LEAVE HIS FATHER AND MOTHER AND BE JOINED TO HIS WIFE, AND THE TWO SHALL BECOME ONE FLESH .
These means: they will decide together to become a good land or soil.They will bring forth children who will become good citizens.The government need to establish a group of people who will solve every issues concerning marriage.When such law is passed,and any man commit aldutery he is not to be punish because such woman does not have any share in the husbands property.

And any many who commit aldutery shouldnt been given a leader both in the church our work place,because: He did not respect the Lord God and his people.
This greedness has taken over the mind of some leaders in the sociaty,nation can be developed by good workers in the country.Its appointed for a man should have only one wife,thats shows respect to Jehovah God and his people.These leaders are to train workers for the development of the nation.
If any a leader becomes greedy,he wont be able to able to train his works well..


CURRENCY: We have to fetch the money ourselves because its in our own country.Thats says Jehovah God.
God gave us so many option of which mankind can communicate with him: to enable his words to reach all walks of life.Most of this alternatives has been closed,due to that,mankind is weeping in tears calling upon the name of Jehovah.Because of that,the Lord has decide to judge mankind.
Judgement was not meant for humanity of this earth.It should be suprise that,the Lord can change everything,beside he was able to change something from somewhere to ghana here and at th same time ,he can change something from ghana to the whole wide world.

Jehovah God said,Ghana is his beloved country,Now message from Jehovah God to mother Ghana is: 1. He works with his people in the those days.But now things have change so mankind works with papers.When a job is giving to any one to complete,its his /her responsiblity to make sure the work accordingly as the Lord pleases.


Failure to complete any given work will have a punish from Jehovah God.Lets appreciate and praise the person who does good work for the nation.Those who deserved to be awarded must be award.
Jehovah God said,every law,good works that he has planned for mother Ghana,we have to decide to move forward with going back.

Written by the late (Prophet Kusi)
Founder of 'Nokwareahennekuo'



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Item Reviewed: MARRIAGE, MONEY AND CURRENCIES Rating: 5 Reviewed By: Futurehitzgh