Thursday 27 October 2016


Almighty God speaks to the council of chiefs in Ghana through his representative ,and am so happy to reveal this secret to all chiefs and the people of Ghana.Jehovah God created human to be a royals of his Kingdom and he created the world to be his Kingdom.Alot are to be done to make this earth secure and complete.The world has been divided to three (3) different parts in which three different groups are the heads.One is the Holy Spirit.Prophets,followers of Christ and the followers of Mohammed are also in second group.The kings and Jehovah God are also in other third group.

Through the Holy Spirit knowledge was been implemented .Through his prophets Jehovah God established truedemocracy,that’s why its been called government as we use to know now.In his own Kingdom ,wisdom and power this universe who created,peace can been attain by his Kingdom.Due to this Jehovah God has revealed to the chiefs ,leaders and the entire citizens how peace can be attain in this world.

That’s why he has allowed his messenger to write this copies to the chiefs and leaders in Ghana.

His intension is to add this letter to help the leaders to teach every member in their council to enable them to have good understanding and for the word to abide in every soul for peace sake both in Ghana and the world as a whole.

Media’s in Ghana are also involved ,I Jehovah God have hope in all the chiefs and I believe they will complete all the good works their fore- fathers left.


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