Thursday 27 October 2016


DREAMS AND VISIONS : Jehovah God created mankind,but because we cant see him with our physical eyes,some people find it unhappy,but we have to be excited and happy.

Because we are mortals that makes us not to see him with our physical eyes,but Jehovah God sees us all.Our mortal bodies has become a boundary between Jehovah God and Mankind.

Jehovah God has command his angels to watch over us.Mankind can only before a miracle unless Jehovah God approve it,he will review him self through his angels and it happens normally in dreams.Because the mortal is no more in himself but in the spiritual.This means mankind has to study dreams and visions carefully to improve our faith in Jehovah God Almight.

DEATH AND MAN KIND: Jehovah God does not know any mortal soul.when a man dies,he comes back again(rebirth).Jehovah God sow the soul,like a farmer sowing seed.
Jehovah God said,the soul which is not in the spirit does not bear fruit.He added the soul that pleases even though he is dead,he comes back to life again.This means every soul must be good for good harvest,because lands which has good soil bears good fruit.

HOLY SPIRIT AND KNOWLEDGE : Christ promised his disciples that ,he will send the Holy to dwell with them,it wasn't meant only for the disciples,because the Kingdom of is at hands and he will manifest through mankind.
Unless one is born of the Holy Spirit before he or she can work for Jehovah God.

The Holy Spirit gives knowledge and wisdom.Creation began from the knowledge of God:Jehovah God speaks to us, even though he has grante us his heavenly,he still communicate with us.The word of God is not all about knowledge,there are a lot that Jehovah God wants to do for mankind,it will enable humanity to understand the will of God.

God spoke through his prophets Elijah,Mohammed, and Nokoreahenekuo in which our work has just began.


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