Saturday 8 October 2016



We are the image of God, Lord God created human basic being in the truth and do not sell your truth to any body in this land, if so a friend of God.thanks.God bless you all.

Every human being is born on the cover spirit with meat, only laws can put him or her in God's truth, each body must submit to God's holy law given to Moses the Ten Commandments so that he or she can survive judgement.God servant, Kwadwo Amankwaa.may God be with you all.

Our grandfather is Abraham, not obedience to God, God blessed them and do very well, wonderful things happen to Jehovah God Abraham.when that is ninety nine years old and his wife Sarah is ninety years old without son, Lord God called Abraham a day and shows the sky of stars, so shall thy seed, infect these messages Abraham was concerned, he cries and says how these possible, Lord God has spoken, no one can change Abraham said to his wife Sarah, what the Lord God has spoken to her, Sarah lift directly to Hagar, telling her that tonight I prepare the dream for you and Abraham, infect Agar also worried and wondered why these so my teacher speaks, after Abraham vs. Sarah told Hagar to sleep with at night.

Abraham asked Sarah, sure Sarah said yes maybe have baby, Lord God answering nice baby called Ishmael, the first son of Abraham: What Sarah has DID, opens a great opportunity and blessing for her to have own baby call Isaac Abraham's second son Isaac is the difference promise, Lord God asks why do this? human being who may not understand, but the Lord God knows what is good for us and what he did, If the Lord God has blessed you, what ever you do is a blessing,

Now answer the question, Abraham and Sarah shall have a son at first, therefore, Hagar will be raised until the end of his life and Agar has a freedom.please open your heart to the Lord God and stop looking for money and property human and think about their nation first.Now bring Ishmael and Isaac are the light of the world, through Isaac, Ishmael prophet Mohammed and Jesus Christ have, to do a perfect job for the Lord God, followers of Jesus Christ and the prophet Muhammad, why misunderstanding and fight anyway, please, a grandfather Abraham says.

Lord God many are but few are choosing to call, is subject by virtue of the truth and the law, the most important is to do, the Lord will God.Lord God if you love me obey my orders, at the end of the day God will judge all world according to his servant work.thanks.God Amankwaa .may God bless you all.


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