Tuesday 21 January 2020


old kingdom nation of God,there was Religion.God of the father,God of the Son,God of the Holy spirit has nothing to do with Religion and Politics also has nothing to do with politicians our lord Jesus Christ discramb them as thieves,robbed,liar and corrupt our freedom and peace is not in the hands of politicians or religious leaders only to create looted and share nation properties made poverty for the people,politicians and Religious leaders should be our enemies,scripture says the true worshipers will worship the father with truth and holy spirit,worship is to obeyed the holy laws God given to Moses the the Ten Commandments,only ten commandments is perfect laws to judge the whole world.Therefore our lord Jesus Christ form twelve apostles teach them about the kingdom of God to earth,democracy we are witness today is our lord Jesus Christ kingdom does the reason why democracy has taken control all over the world today.Revelation of John saw new Jerusalem coming down from heaven to the earth show you to know that there is new Isreal to search on earth.Leader of the Nokore Ahennie Kuo the living souls family,Mr Amankwaa endtime revelation teacher,teach things belongs to our lord Jesus Christ to declare to Ghanaians and Africa especially the kingdom of heaven to the earth gifted to African headed in Ghana gate way to Africa, Knowledge also gifted to Eroupians both together as one before we overcome peace of mind and our right.

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