Sunday 6 October 2019


Prophet does not take his words from the bible and has no church,prophet is God spokesman for the nation in the olden days,many were killed by the Israelites without guilty nothing but the truth.All the prophet work comes to the end on John the Baptist,apart from the John the Baptist last prophet no more prophet in the whole world again,holy spirit has taken control the work of the prophet today.The rest of the prophet,pastors included politicians has question to answer to the world especially my own mother land Ghana,they should be our enemies in our true democracy,established by our lord Jesus Christ kingdom.Mr Kwadwo Amankwaa leader of Nokware Ahennie Kuo the living souls family,endtime revelation teacher,teach things belongs to our lord Jesus Christ to declare to Ghanaians and Africa especially the kingdom of heaven to the earth gifted to Africans,headed in Ghana gate way to Africa and Knowledge also gifted to Eroupians both together as one before we overcome peace of mind and our right.


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