Wednesday 1 August 2018




The kingdom of heaven started with God, being the creator. He created the universe
and all of its inhabitants. After creation, God thought it wise to rule over heaven and
earth. He therefore created angels from the sea to form His first kingdom in heaven.
He also had the intention of ruling the earth as well so he created man with dust and
breathed in him the breathe of life to become a living soul. He then used man to
form His second kingdom on earth.
Trinity is like a baton race with each performing a different work but they are one.
Their aim is to gain the Kingdom from Lucifer who took control. The Father bagan
the race and handed over to the son who also handed over to the Holy Spirit who is
currently ruling the world. The Kingdom Jesus started was protection of the truth.
When Jesus finished His work, the Holy Spirit took over to continue what Jesus had
started on earth. The Holy Spirit is now ruling the earth and will be everlasting with
man provided man stays away from sin.
The purpose of the “Nokware Ahenie Kuo” is to expose the kingdom of God to the
world through the Holy Spirit and to show how the spirit of God will live with man
When a person stays away from sin, he or she has already obeyed the ten
commandments and is no more subjected to judgement. Protection was started in
heaven and is governed with rules that needs to be obeyed.
It has been written that the dead will resurrect to join the living for judgement. The
ministry will explain how this would happen.


There are two types of judgement. They are the physical judgement and the spiritual
judgement. The physical judgement has been handed over to man. The ministry
seeks to explain how the physical judgement can be executed.
The ministry will teach how to live in the light of the Lord and expose people living
in the light and those in darkness. People in darkness will get the opportunity to join
the light. Whoever disobeys and does not join the light has already judged
The Lord does not want to loose a soul and has therefore, provided a medium for
people living in darkness to join the light.
The ministry will explain and restructure the nation for a better standard of living
through the direction of the Holy Spirit. The work of the Holy Spirit is no more
about miracles and prosperity. It is rather about the reconstruction of the country.
The gifts of God are two. They are the kingdom and knowledge. The knowledge was
given to the Europeans while the kingdom was given to the Africans. Initially, the
kingdom was to start in Israel but due to the killing of prophets, the kingdom has
been taken away from Israel and located in Ghana.
One of the purpose of the existence of the ministry “Nokware Ahenie Kuo” is to
heal people through the application of herbs. This is because the word of God tells
us to eat the fruits of the plant and use its leaves as medicine to heal. This purpose
existed since the beginning of the ministry and had healed a lot of people.
Another purpose of the ministry is to reveal the direction of the Holy Spirit to man.
Man ought not to live by his own wisdom and understanding but by the direction of
the Holy spirit. The ministry will show how man should live for the Holy Spirit. The
world is controlled by the Holy Spirit and all the work that is performed on earth is
the work of God. We are therefore expected to work with a good heart without any
bad intention.


While revealing the purpose of the Holy Spirit to the spiritual awakening of man,
physically, the ministry also help the people with the application of the herbs for
their healing.
The purpose of the Holy Spirit is to build a nation. A nation is to be built for God to
be the ruler. This truth had being revealed in Europe and as a result of that, they had
built their nation in the waiting for the Kingdom of God on earth for the Lord to rule
in heaven and on earth. As Africans, we are urged to help build our nation through
the direction of the Holy Spirit. That is why the Lord has instituted “Nokware
Ahenie Kuo” to help in the work of the Holy Spirit towards nation building.
Technology came to man through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. The word of
God tells us that during the end time, all eyes shall see Him descending from heaven
to the earth. Now, through technology, television has come to stay for people to
watch and witness events which happen in far places. During the end time, when
Jesus is descending, all eyes shall see him through television as a result of
technology which was gifted by the Holy Spirit.
The ministry has a purpose of interpreting the Bible to the nation. There are so many
truths in the Bible that men of God do not reveal to the congregation. Most of the
men of God preach about prosperity and wealth without telling the congregation the
word of salvation.

The Lord’s Servant,
Kwadwo Amankwaa.


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