Wednesday, 9 November 2016


Jehovah God made us to understand that,he created mankind for a purpose and he gave us laws to govern us.He said test all spirit and you will know which one is from me.He spoke through is servant for mankind to understand his words.The worries and hardship mankind is facing will one day seize in the new democracy.

Jehovah said for his people to believe in him,thats why he has made all things things come to an end.
Jehovah God has good explaination for us,I Jehovah God said: I work not in the flesh,and my ways not your ways:As the distance from heaven to earth,no human can understand my ways.

Execpt the one who has my spirit in him will understand my ways.
Jehovah God said:Ghanians should listen to this,I have a precious gift for the world,every nation will use this gift to develop their nation,but this gift will not be enough for the development of the nation.
I have two things to add it to it,one of this is knowledge.

Knowledge does not develop a nation,but the other one develop humanity and Jehovah God.Unless the two come together to attain peace on earth.
The one which can unite humanity and God is for africans which we will work towards it,God is calling upon the leaders of Ghana to start working on it.He added,Africans should appreciate the natural resources he has given us.because our nation can only be develop through that.
Such properties has been given to the europians,knowledge has been planted in europe.

As for Africans we have to work hard to enable us to get such knowledge,but because Jehovah God didnt gave us such,till now we dont have it.

Politics has three branches,these are: Government,Teachings and Developement.
This three has it functions,thats why Jehovah God has given the earth wisdom,knowledge and competition.

Every nation has Jehovah God's natural resource ,but for knowledge,African's work and buy towards it.Such knowledge cant be study,its a spiritual,its been supported with fire and water.

Its me Jehovah God who is speaking to Africans,nothing can be hidden from me.
Witness: I Jehovah God brought it so that,we may know the truth in every issues,I have made you understand that,the miracle I made my prophet Elijah ( Komfo Anokye) and Osei Tutu to perform in the Ashanti region of Ghana ( Ashanti Kingdom) its a great witness to you all,this means I Jehovah has good plans for Ghana.

The slave which were sold to the europians have now setttle with the white people.Because knowledge was not given to african they are still struggling to gain knowledge.

The truth is,Ghanaians should listen to his voice if only we obey his commandment he will grant us knowledge.He added if we disobey him,we will struggle to attain the knowledge and peace as africans.


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Item Reviewed: KNOWLEDGE Rating: 5 Reviewed By: Futurehitzgh