Sunday 23 October 2016


Lord God said, angels in heaven are created by the truth, that the rights to do so, we are created by God with truth.Truth was away on this earth, because of what the earth was full of malice.

God made the law for humanity, this law is called True Democracy.

True Democracy was established in Europe by the Almighty God, Whites are to teach the world the true meaning of democracy and truth protection.Thats why most African countries were colonized by the white, because they become masters of every nation that democracy is in place, or citizens becomes an apprentice, that does not mean citizens have become slaves of whites, but whites apprentice.Because lives in the country were democracy is actually introduced, they have the right to take ownership of the land for the construction of their own country.

After the public has complete work where whites did teach them, they become perfect to establish their own business for the development of nation.This indicate that the protection of the truth was implicit in our country, we live truthfully not the lies and wickedness.
The world has changed now the LORD God said the development of the nation is like a pot full of water, he added, can not fill the pot is filled with water, unless that he or she pours the old water before filling with new water.


This is how Jehovah God wants to reveal to the leaders of Ghana Mother, You says the Lord God, this message can not be performed by nursing mother.He added: the word is just like an egg, which can not to throw someone to catch, it will bust if the person is unable to catch him.

We waste our money on things that do materialize last forever.Jehovah God reveal white how to pour the old water from the pot, even if the change has white water from their pots his not yet fully in place .Jehovah God said he will teach us how Africa to pour the old water from the pot: because he establishes TRUE DEMOCRACY.

It can not be used for anything again.In his own time, he will show us what to do.


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