Wednesday 19 October 2016


when the sin is off,Satan kingdom is over.the wages of sin is death, ,if you meet sin you meet death.God servant,Amankwaa,God bless you all.
Everything or any work in these earth or world belongs to God we must keep it holy.God servant Amankwaa God bless you all.

We educate in school to work for flesh,but the seed in spirit is truth and perfect laws for God anyone have these are blessed,God servant Amankwaa God bless Ghanaians and Africans bless you all.

Truth and law is key to open your heart door for holy spirit and wisdom to stay with your heart,put your light on top of the table let every body see the truth to defend our democracy power for Jesus Christ, don´t put your light under the table because there is no night deal in Jesus Christ democracy power.God servant Amankwaa God bless Ghanaians and Africans bless you all.

Greetings to all my belovers friends in face book am so sad in tears since South Africans begin killing innocent people without reasons,through Jesus Christ the world is one base on Laws,am Ghanaians am right married South African woman born with her ,so are you telling me to leave with the woman?at times it happens some of African country but is very shameful to South Africans God servant Amankwaa God bless all my friends and bless every body.

Thiefs in South African are killing immigrants in South Africans and go free,because there is know LAWS,without law there is know sin only Satan ruled without laws,Africans are we learn from Jesus Christ in our democracy? Africans are we ask where democracy power come from?how long are we subject our self under holy spirit to wisdom and stay out from flesh materials.we came in naked and we go in naked,many are called but few are chosen.God servant Amankwaa God bless Ghanaians and Africans bless you all.

Best education in the world is to subject your self under TRUTH,obeyed the perfect LAWS from God,Spirit and wisdom follow you and your doors will open for you,the gift from God is not taken from school but God has blessing people he crown them in his blessings holy spirit and wisdom.the beginning of wisdom is the fear of God.innocent people are killing in South African without reasons, they educated their self in flesh materials without fearing of God.Africans our heart is out from God that is the reason why we are not thinking about human beings,the reason why Jesus Christ establish democracy is together as one and fight against poverty because poverty is men made through our leaders in Africans and become riches because they educated in flesh materials.God servant Amankwaa God bless Africans bless you all.
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If nation voted you power,you became God for the people,keep the power holy and judge the truth for your nation..God servant Amankwaa..God bless you all.


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