Sunday 23 October 2016


I the Lord God who appointed Moses to lead the Israelites, I am the God who speaks to the people of Ghana: My prophets speak through my Spirit.If anyone ask why I chose as my government truedemocracy I the Lord God keeps him or her.I Lord God chose Israel as my beloved country, that Jehovah God decides to Israel my kingdom for them by leaders of each nation.

That why he sent his beloved son Jesus Christ, he appointed his representative who is Christ Jesus to the people of Israel.God name its representative with multitudes of angels with him, though, without the leaders of the nation or government, unless the unit with the leaders of the nation before it can achieve what the Lord God sent angels him.The can work in spirit but not in form.

Human As the saying goes, if the sea gets scars it is human that makes it scary; a king can only be a true king for his people .Christ is representative of Jehovah God to the people of Israel, but the leaders of Israel does not accept why Christ said believing in me and believes in Him who sent Me.

I continue to teach but because the leaders did not believe in him and who sent it, refuse to listen to his teachings until he fulfilled his work.Later realized that it was the Lord God Almighty representative.Jehovah has a purpose for Truedemocracy. His advice and introduction to truedemocracy to the unity of the nation, before the party, which is truedemocracy and leaders of the nation, to teach citizens of the nation. Because the previous government could not helped the nation to achieve the benefit, as this nation has become a houseful of conflicts.Because conflict, no matter what you do it's not been appreciated.

This made Jehovah God long ago to pass a law through his prophet Kusi and truedemocracy to the nation before the teachings of the Lord God Almighty will continue.Jehovah works through his prophets to perform a lot of miracles, but at this time he works through knowledge to perform their miracle technology.

Now has to advance in the world, metal (aircraft) flying in the sky and at the same time can kill humanity, in all this world has not achieved peace and that is the only thing that God in his own wisdom preparation to put it in the world.The media through which the Lord God is bringing his message through his prophets is the only true link / letters is to connect or unity of the nation of its teachings, advice and introduction.

After counseling and introduction into the country will achieve peace, before undergoing a new nation in which he and his government and leaders continue.This nation is the last message of the Lord God Almighty mother Ghana



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Item Reviewed: GODS PLANS FOR MOTHER GHANA Rating: 5 Reviewed By: Futurehitzgh